Our Why

Zambia’s orphan youth face danger on a day-to-day basis without the critical support and protection of parents. As a result, they may be sold into domestic slavery, sexually assaulted, or physically attacked, in addition to the plethora of health threats inherent to their situation, such as malnutrition, frequent illness, and infectious diseases. The lives of these powerless children are a vicious cycle, one which they cannot easily escape due to a lack of access to education and resources(3).

Living arrangements for these orphans provide stability and safety, paving the way to break this cycle. With young people (ages 15-35) comprising a historic 36.7 % of Zambia’s population, Lubuto Father’s Love Ministries exercises a single-minded focus: to change the narrative for orphans in Zambia and equip them to live out their God-given passions—for this generation, and the next(4).

Our Services

We currently own three homes where house-moms maintain the house and care for the children. Establishing a safe environment to call home, we provide well-balanced nutritious meals, professional medical treatment, and sufficient education.

Ensuring the children receive a quality education is of the highest value to us. We provide the finances for their tuition, uniforms, school supplies, and tutors so that they may attend school. The children also participate in extracurricular activities such as soccer, yoga, and musical instruments.

There are currently 17 children living in the house in Kanini, and we plan to move eight more children in by the end of summer. We also support seven adults in college who formerly resided in the orphanage so that they may continue their education.

Our Story

Monica Mulenga Mwape migrated to the United States in 1991 seeking better opportunities for her seven children. Upon returning to Zambia 10 years later, she was overwhelmed by the amount of children in the streets suffering on account of the AIDS pandemic running rampant in Africa.

As the pandemic decimated a generation, grandparents were forced to assume the guardian role in many children’s lives. However, due to their advanced age and lack of resources, many were unable to provide sufficiently for these children.

Just as she understood the severity of the crisis, the Lord gave Monica Mulenga Mwape the assignment of establishing an orphanage to help alleviate the country’s burden of caring for the orphans that made up 10% of their population.

Ms. Mwape purchased her first home and began receiving children in 2002. She has been running the orphanage for 20 years.


About the Team

  • Operations Director

    With a daughter in college, I realized that I could play a more significant role in developing and helping orphans in Zambia, Africa. While visiting the children in the orphanages, I identified some areas of concern and potential improvements. Here are the areas of concern and objectives; they need education, wellness, and fitness assistance. Consequently, introducing yoga, nutritional education, and reading some philosophy about life will be the necessary tools to remedy the needs.

    My goals for the Orphanage are to academically educate each orphan child, ensure their self-sufficiency, renovate the orphanages, and add libraries with different kinds of age appropriate books and computers. Additionally, add computers for research and online learning so they do not fall behind in class and miss assignments. The notable improvement and empowerment of the children at the Orphanage have become an integral part of my identity and purpose. Therefore, I urge visitors of the website to aid us in facilitating these goals for the betterment of the children and their communities.


Pictured from left to right

Maureen Nyirongo: House Mother

Mia Ng’andu: House Mother

Monica Mwape: Director and Founder