Equipping orphans with resources and hope for their future.


Currently 1.4 million orphans in Zambia’s population of 14 million(1).


Our Mission

By providing a safe haven to nurture the orphans of Ndola Zambia, Lubuto Father’s Love Ministries inspires and equips children to reach their full God-given potential. 

The Need

A significant proportion of Zambia’s children grow up in the absence of one or both birth parents. Nearly one-fifth of children aged 0-14 years of age are orphans, one of the highest orphan rates in the Sub-Saharan Africa region (2).

Our Work

Establishing a safe environment to call home, we provide well-balanced nutritious meals, professional medical treatment, and relevant education to ensure the health and wellness of each child is attended to with the utmost care.

How You Can Help

Our Current Projects:

Within the next two years we are renovating the three homes we currently occupy to accommodate approximately 25 children at each location. 

With 200 acres of land gifted to us by the Chief of Chisale, we plan to provide mothers and children hands-on experience maintaining the land, creating a self-sustaining orphanage through the proceeds the land produces.

These are just two of the projects that currently need your support to leave a lasting impact on the children of Zambia. Learn more about our projects and how you can be a part of our expansion below.

Bringing Our Vision to Life

These individuals embody our vision for Lubuto Father’s Love Ministries: That we would raise children with love and care, providing all they need to pursue the path the Lord plants in their hearts.


Faustina Chalwe

Faustina Chalwe is one of the original ten children the orphanage cared for when it began in 2002. Now, Faustina is in her sixth year as a medical student at the University of Zambia. Faustina plans to transfer to Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA to pursue her ultimate desire of living and practicing medicine in the states.


Clinton Banda

Clinton Banda, who was once child from our organization, is now a certified minister and pastors his own church in Zambia.



Feel free to contact us with any questions.